Avery was sooooo mad that I didn't bring her bathing suit and goggles. The she was sooooo mad that I wouldn't let her go in totally naked. Riley was concerned that someone would make fun of her for being in her underwear, so I had to teach her some snappy comebacks.
Avery looks a bit apprehensive as the ride started out, but loved it as soon as it was underway.
Notice something here: Riley is always in the driver's seat, and Avery is always the passenger, like she's Ms. Daisy or something.
Here too! Of course we did one of those guaranteed win games. Avery picked out a tiara as her prize. Duh.
I love fry bread/funnel cake. I love the communal nature of it. Put a plate of fry bread in front of a group of people, and everyone digs in and no one minds if someone licks their fingers. And this was the biggest funnel cake we've every had. It was like a double-decker.
Riley and Avery on the haunted house ride with Rudi. They loved it.
Riley is 7 years old. She has lost 8 teeth so far. She is very proud of this! She loves to ride her bike and rollerblade. She can usually be found creating art or curling up with a book. She loves to write and illustrate her own books. She is athletic, artistic, and wildly intelligent. She is a big-picture thinker and problem-solver. She has an uncanny knack for finding the teeny-tiny wonders in the big wide world. If there actually were a needle in a haystack, she could find it!
All About Avery
Avery is 5 years old. She likes to draw all day long. She is a little love bug, but can get mad as a hornet! She likes to write and is quickly learning her lettering. She is caring and giving as long as you stay on her good side! She likes to look good, change clothes often, and have her picture taken at every opportunity. She is not an outdoor girl, and much prefers to say inside as much as possible. We'll have to change that somehow!! I used to think she was shy, but know I think that she is just so self-assured that she doesn't need other people :)