Maine's Elections

Regardless of what happens on the national stage, I am happy to finally be living in a state that is not afraid to vote "yes" on issues even if it means an increase in taxes.  In Colorado Springs, voters would never vote to increase any tax, no matter how minutely.  Never ever.

The one issue I was really nervous about was the proposition to issue a bond for the renovation of the South Portland High School.  This is the only high school in South Portland.  It is a very excellent school from an academic standpoint.  One of the absolute best.  But, the school was in serious danger of losing its accreditation due to structural problems with the school.  Graduating from a non-accredited high school is a major hurdle to college acceptance.  This is not an instance of throwing money at a failing school, it's a question of whether or not to give a great group of students and awesome teachers the building they need and deserve.  Thank goodness it passed!

Not only did we approve that bond, we approved two other bonds as well!  Holy cow, that never would have happened in Colorado Springs!  One was for a dental clinic and dental school (duh, heck yes we could use more affordable dental care!) and the other was for conservation.  Wowza!

The other thing that is cool about Maine so far, is that there is no clear Republican or Democratic leaning.  I like living in a politically open-minded state.  If anything, Maine leans towards independent candidates.  Most races had multiple independents running for the same office.


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