A Couple More Things

Forgot to mention a couple things in my last post!

First, Riley lost her 6th tooth yesterday.  It was one of the teeth on the top next to the center teeth.  Yippee!  And then the toothfairy fell asleep last night, so as she was searching her bed this morning for the dollar, I pretended to help her and slipped a dollar in.  Ooops!
Next, Lola and Ginger are getting along famously.  It is so nice to see them playing together.  Lola seems a lot happier now.  She had been so angry over our move.  I think she missed her doggy friend Gemini.  Now she has a friend that lives in our house.  Although I have to say, that Lola would play with Ginger 24 hours a day, and Ginger, being a cat, likes a little privacy every now and then.  So, Ginger still has to put Lola in her place every once in a while :)

I think that's it...


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