Saturday, September 23, 2006 by Amy
We had a rather busy day yesterday. First was down to the DMV to finally get my driver's license replaced. I lost my license almost four months ago, so it's about time. Rudi still can't get his because his birth certificate is in German and we cannot find his naturalization papers. I looked on the INS website to order replacements of his naturalization papers and they cost $220, so that's pretty much out of the question. He'll just have to look harder to find them.
Then we went down to Fort Carson to get military ID cards so that we can use the commissary and exchange. They totally search every car coming in. We had to get out and show ID (which I had just gotten, so that's good), car insurance, and title and registration. Then we had to open all the door and the hood and they inspected everything. No easy thing entering a military base in "wartime." We will register to get special stickers for our cars at a later time so we don't have to go through that again. The commissary was awesome. Not really that big, but they had stuff that regular grocery stores don't have, even some ethnic stuff (mostly German and Japanese) that even natural stores don't have. I finally found memmi sauce for the butt-load of sommen noodles that we have. And their prices were cheaper than Walmart. A gallon of name-brand milk was less than $2. It was weird going back on base after so many years. Rudi thought so too. Soldiers were running around in full gear and weapons (I initially called them "guns" and Rudi corrected me), which I really don't remember seeing before. All bases seem to smell and look the same. We didn't get to go to the exchange, so we will do that after the 1st when we have more money, since both girls need new clothes. I also felt weird being there, since I don't support the war (any war except in the event of invasion or to stop genocide or mass-murder), although I'll go on record to say that I support the troops. So bring them home.
Now that dairy, eggs, and peanuts are out of my system, it I have even one peanut or cheat just a little and eat a teensy-weensy bit of dairy, Avery has an immediate reaction. I guess that her system got accustomed to the constant influx of allergens that no one exposure caused a major reaction. So no more cheating. An update on my caloric intake, I only consumed 1100 calories yesterday, and that included a big bacon classic from Wendy's (no cheese or mayo) that I certainly don't normally eat. We'll see if I can eat more today.
Riley is taking pictures with the camera, making that flash go off repeatedly. Thankfully there's no film in the camera. I am running out of current pictures to post, so I'll have to take more soon. Not having a digital camera, I have to take the film in for processing and have the pictures put on a disc and then download them at home. We found a mystery roll of film in Rudi's car, which can't be that old since we've only had the car for a month. It's probably from our camping trip.
Riley is taking pictures with the camera, making that flash go off repeatedly. Thankfully there's no film in the camera. I am running out of current pictures to post, so I'll have to take more soon. Not having a digital camera, I have to take the film in for processing and have the pictures put on a disc and then download them at home. We found a mystery roll of film in Rudi's car, which can't be that old since we've only had the car for a month. It's probably from our camping trip.