So I followed doctor's orders and after eliminating dairy for two weeks, I added some back in my diet to see what reaction Avery had. I ate a small piece of lasagna with cheese and put half-and-half in my coffee. Avery's face broke out and she was rather fussy. So I guess that is that. I was starving today for something of substance, so I make jambalaya rice with polish sausage. I also made my family's salat, which Rudi raved over (unlike the time I spent hours making butternut squash that he didn't end up liking). Rudi called out of work today with a headache, so it was up to me to take the girls grocery shopping. I had to take Rudi's car since Avery's car seat was already in it and his car had gas. I forgot to bring a sling for Avery, so she had to sit in the cart (not in her carseat). She was so proud of herself sitting there, smiling and holding onto the handle bar. It was so cute. I got her the Gerber fruit puffs, and she absolutely loves them. I know that I need to feed her solid foods more often, but the milk that I pump usually is given to Rudi to feed her while I'm at work. I really need to step-up my pumping and go back to freezing it in the ice cube trays.

Riley has become so affectionate of late, especially when I am trying to get her to sleep. She keeps saying "I love you so much," and "you're the best mommy in any world." And then I'll say "I have the best girls in any world" and she'll say, "oh, thanks!" And this compliment exchange will go on for fifteen minutes or more. Today Riley was a momma giraffe and sometimes a baby dog (named Barky). At one point, for some reason, she filled her mouth with water and spit it on Rudi, and when I asked her if she said sorry, she said "no, because doggies don' say anything." And when I asked her why she was eating a bowl of peanuts with her face, she said because dogs don't have hands. She's in a total fantasy world. Speaking of peanuts, Riley was shelling them on the kitchen floor and when she was done, she left them there. And of course I freak out and tell her that peanuts would make Avery really sick, and I got a glimpse of what the rest of my life is going to be like.

Avery has her nine month check-up on Thursday, complete with shots and everything. I also have an appointment with the same nurse practitioner, since I haven't had a doctor since my pediatritian told me that she couldn't see me anymore when I was twenty years old. Riley is also establishing care, since she needs a form filled out for school. I am interested in seeing if Avery has broken the 50th percentile curve.

Rudi is running around looking for a band-aid and I'm pretty sure Riley used them all (all of her animals have one on) so I'll have to go and see if I can scare up a band-aid.


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