Wednesday, September 13, 2006 by Amy
A funny little side story on Riley. In the middle of the night, I hear Riley get up and go in the bathroom and I hear one of the drawers open and close. I kind of drift off back to sleep until I become aware of slight motion from Riley. So I look over my shoulder at her, and she's laying there with a Q-tip in her nose. She says, "don't bother me, I'm picking my nose with a Q-tip." And I thing "by whatever means necessary" and go back to sleep.
Riley is not handling my return to work very well at all. Avery is getting better, taking breastmilk from Daddy, but if she hurts herself, nothing will console her. Rudi brings the girls into Starbucks for my 10 minute break so that I can nurse them, and it is usually this time that Riley breaks down. She obviously cannot handle seeing me there and not having free access to me. She also will not go to bed anytime soon after I come home from work and she wakes up frequently during the night really whinny and really demanding, so we've had some really bad nights and early mornings. Hopefully it will get better, otherwise I will have to quit. I got my first paycheck from Starbucks and I really liked it. Even though it was only for $93, it's the first paycheck I've gotten in nearly three years. I know that I should get direct deposit, but for now I really like holding the check in my hand and reading my name on it.