Monday, September 18, 2006 by Amy
In the world of make-believe, Riley is a mamma frog today. Avery has perfected the pincher grasp and is so incredibly dainty it's fun to watch her. Riley has become quite fond of vanilla soy milk, although she pronounces it "gorilla milk." It's amazing how long a quart of milk will last us now, about a week. We used to go through at least five gallons in a week. Of course, no milk in the house means no cookies in the house, and Rudi's not too happy about that.
The weather did get a little cooler and Rudi and I are finding that we really have no clothes for the girls. It's getting hard to find pants that fit over Avery's bottom and long-sleeved shirts for Riley that don't show her tummy. I guess when we get paid we will have to head over to Old Navy for some fall shopping. Plus, Riley is starting school next week and I don't want her to look like an orphan.
Just seeing if this works...