Friday, September 15, 2006 by Amy
Riley has begun a cute/annoying phase where she is never just "Riley." She is always a mamma giraffe, a mamma spider, a baby bug, a duckling (sometimes ugly, sometimes not), and today she's been a crab for most of the day. If I call her "honey" or "Riley" she says, "I'm not honey, I'm a...(insert animal of the day)." I always have to be on top of what she is at any given moment.
Rudi brought home a pizza yesterday. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment. Riley is eating some right now. It was hot and I had to pick it up and blow on it, which meant that the forbidden pizza was very close to my mouth, and I had to resist the tempation to take a huge glop of cheese off of it. I went out for coffee last night and asked for soy milk to put in it, and for some reason the girl gave me a separate cup of soy, so I put some in my coffee and had some soy milk left over. I didn't want to throw it away, so I drank it, and to my surprise, I actually liked it.
I changed Avery's diaper and let her crawl around naked to air out, and I am still shocked by how small she is. The cloth diapers make her look so much more substantial. When she was in disposables, she was still in a size 2. She has a little no-butt. Those of you who have a picture of Riley naked in the grass at 6 mos. old can compare it to this picture of Avery at nine months. What a difference.