Just Because

Riley had her speech evaluation last week.  The principal told me that an IEP meeting has been set and I should be getting a notification soon.  I don't really know what to expect, and I hate surprises.  I basically am apprehensive about all the people that have to be there.  It feels like it's the whole world vs. me.  I hope it's good news, but really, I'm not sure it's gonna be.  I mean, I want to be optimistic, but I just think that will set me up for disappointment.  Of course I'm a little sensitive about it right now since Riley has a spring musical coming up that the first graders put on every year and she was hoping not to have a speaking role because she can't say her r's.  Insert sound of heart breaking here.

This is a little old, but it made me giggle.  Riley wrote this entry in her diary (which she gave me to read):

I thought it was funny that it begins with "OMG."  Ah, this generation...


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