Going Private?

Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up that I will likely be making this blog private very soon.  I never really thought that anyone but family would have any interest in my boring stupid day-to-day existence, but well, time are a-changing.  I have been putting my blog in my signature line in outgoing emails for a while now, not really thinking about it.  But now I kind of feel funny about it.  I mean, I use email for the lion-share of my communication these days, and not usually with people I even know.  It kind of weirds me out that people I don't even know, or people who are not known by anyone that I know, are looking at my blog.  Obviously, friends and family will be given permission to view the blog.  In the off chance that there is anyone else out there who has made a habit of reading my blog (seriously, I regularly read the blogs of people I find linked on other blogs.  They don't know me and I don't "know" them, but I'm not creepier than your average person, so if anyone does that with my blog it's cool by me, but I can't be held responsible for any side-effects of reading about my boring life), don't hesitate to ask for permission.  It's just that when I email a person selling a bookshelf off of craigslist and it turns out that he is a real weirdo, I'd rather he not have access to my blog.  Ya know?

And no, nothing traumatic or weird has occurred to spark this change, I just realize that times have changed and I want to limit the access that others have to my family.

Just Because

Riley had her speech evaluation last week.  The principal told me that an IEP meeting has been set and I should be getting a notification soon.  I don't really know what to expect, and I hate surprises.  I basically am apprehensive about all the people that have to be there.  It feels like it's the whole world vs. me.  I hope it's good news, but really, I'm not sure it's gonna be.  I mean, I want to be optimistic, but I just think that will set me up for disappointment.  Of course I'm a little sensitive about it right now since Riley has a spring musical coming up that the first graders put on every year and she was hoping not to have a speaking role because she can't say her r's.  Insert sound of heart breaking here.

A Beach Picnic...

...at Old Orchard Beach, in pictures.


Trying to catch up on blogging here!  Boy, I'm behind!

We had a wonderful Easter.  Nothing too big.  Just a regular dinner.  Ham, of course, since I never pass up an opportunity to eat my favorite meat :)  Plus, it's cheap and can be eaten forEVER in all sorts of recipes.

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