So Happy New Year to everyone! I doubt that I'll be up to see the new year in, seeing as how I went to bed last night at 2am for no really good reason. The girls went to bed at 11pm so I thought I had some time to myself. But no, they got up at their normal 6:30am. I just wasn't tired. I think it's from being more or less snowed in. I haven't been able to tire myself out. I even tried vigorous housework. It didn't tire me out, but the house sure looks good.

Avery is walking more and more. She's started trying to run after Riley. I think Riley is her major motivation to learn to walk. I thought kids were supposed to walk to their parents, not away from them. So what does that say about us?

Rudi is going to the YMCA on Tuesday to join up. It's not a New Years resolution thing, just an effort to get in shape and healthy that we've been trying to afford for a long time now. He will get a couple of free passes that I thought I'd use to see if it's worth joining as a family.

Ah, the end of the year when I start getting really excited about taxes. I start watching the mailbox like a hawk, waiting to see how many thousands we'll get back this year. I can't wait to get my freakin' tooth implant. Although not really, because it is surgery and bound to be painful, but it's better than being a jack-o-lantern.:) We're the type of people that file on February 1st or the day after we get our W-2s. Ooooh, I can't wait.

I've agonized over what to get Riley for her birthday, since the tea seat that I had my eye on is sold out in this country. It would have been absolutely perfect. It was by Djeco, and it has a tea pot, two tea cups, wooden tea bags, wooden sugar cubes, and a birthday cake with candles that can be cut and served. Alas! Having a child two weeks after Christmas sucks! We went to Target and got a pizza set for her kitchen, and their toy section was still pretty much wiped out. I got her The Orchard game by Haba, and some play silks that are not really a present, I'm just going to give them to the girls. Avery absolutely loves playing peekaboo with the quilts and Riley likes pretending to be a caterpillar in a cocoon and I'm tired of every last blanket, quilt, and towel being used for these activities. I'm sick of folding and refolding them all day long.

I've been doing a pretty good job of keeping up on all the housework lately, which is hard for me for some reason. Although I'm far from the uber-housewife. I don't want to make it a contention point between Rudi and I, but I do a lot of cleaning up after him. For instance, he leaves all of his outdoor cigar-smoking clothes (and he wears a lot of clothes out there in the cold) on the back of his chair in the living room. and he strips down to his skivvies as soon as he comes home, and leaves those clothes on the chair too. Somehow I feel that he wasn't allowed to do this before he married me, and that he's taking advantage of my good nature. You know, with two daughters here, he's not going to be able to walk around forever in his underwear. Is he? IS HE????

I've tried three different ways of dowloading pictures and Blogger isn't buying any of them. I'm sick of trying, so I'll blog more tomorrow...


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