Monday, January 1, 2007 by Amy
So we didn't do anything for New Year's. We're so boring. In fact, we both went to bed at about 11:45pm. We were up for a little while after that and heard firecrackers go off, so we suppose that was midnight. The girls went to bed at 6:45pm so I figured that I really couldn't afford to stay up too late.
Speaking of Daddies, Riley and I had a bit of a fight this morning over cereal and the fact that she wasn't eating it. She then asked where Daddy was and I said "work" and she said "Well, I want Daddy because you are being mean to me!" Awww, how cute. She also called him a "silly old man" yesterday. That was funny. Then she tells me "My Daddy is so good at singing and reading. He's good at everything!" Rudi puffed up when he heard that. This kid's language skills are so advanced, it's hard to believe that she's only just now turning three. I used to avoid saying that she's advanced, because I didn't want to be one of "those" mothers, but I feel that as long as I also aknowledge her short-comings, then there's nothing wrong with praising her strengths. Her short-comings are a short temper, pig-headedness, and the persistant inability to tell red from green.
Like a complete 'tard, I didn't realize that I could hook the camera up directly to the computer without using the printer, until Jeff set me straight on that one. Duh. So that means more frequent and recent photos on the blog! Wahoo! That is, if blogger lets me post photos.
Just a thought about the Blogger photo upload problems...
Perhaps there is a space limit, and you need to delete some old pictures to make room for new ones. You should be able to call or at least e-mail someone for support.