Thursday, December 21, 2006 by Amy
So I am in the process of making clothes for Riley's doll. Not fun at all. If we had more money, I'd just buy clothes. Just a couple of outfits is all I need. The first shirt I made wouldn't fit over the dolls head, the first pair of pants I made wouldn't fit her waist. Trial and error. More errors that success, it seems. Like I said, I just cannot win.
Riley is going potty absolutely all by herself. She doesn't even tell me when she has to go, she just goes. It involves taking her pants and undies off, so the re-dresses herself (with new clothes of course) whenever she's done. If she feels like it. She has no problem going around in her birthday suit, as everyone knows. Wiping adequately is an art form that takes time to master, though. So I have to jump in if she's gone number 2.
I've also been reading up on allergies. It turns out that milk allergies can manifest in skin rashes (check) and also, news to me, as a respritory problem (check?). Avery has had a cough and runny nose for weeks now. Hmmmm...
Riley and Avery both have check-ups tomorrow. What a load of fun that'll be. Avery's getting shots, and Riley may be. Her doc in Missoula said she wouldn't need any more until she's five, but her doctor here has been saying that she needs some. It'll be a surprise. Mostly for Riley. We'll see if Avery is big enough to be forward-facing in the car. Somehow I doubt it.
Well, I'm going to go and try to preserve my sanity by engaging in some vigorous housework...