Thanksgiving was pretty cool. I must say that I really enjoyed the eating. The food was absolutely delicious. I do not like having to stay home all day. That stinks. Brendan, Mina, and James came over and had dinner with us. Allan and Ben rented some video games from Blockbuster, so I've had the pleasure of watching them play. How fun. We did manage to get our Starbucks fix today. That was nice. I really want to go to the mall tomorrow, but I know it'll be a zoo. They are having a sale at Gymboree that can't be beat. Avery has a bodysuit from there that I just love and she got banana on it the first time she wore it and the stains won't come out. It's now on sale, and an additional 30% off tomorrow morning. Hmmmm, is it worth it? And if so, do I have the money? I still have Avery's party to think of.

Avery still has her rash. I know that I haven't eaten anything strange. My only guess is that I do eat things if they say "may contain traces of peanuts" and maybe something I ate actually did contain traces of peanuts for once, although I normally eat them all the time without a problem. Namely I'm talking about my granola bar habit. So it's concievable that if all granola bars in a box are from the same batch and so all could be contaminated, and if I eat, say, five in a row, that could be a problem. Just in theory. I would never eat five granola bars at a time. Wink wink.

So Riley is not ashamed of showing her true colors here in MD. Running around in her underwear at best, absolutely naked at worst. We're in the middle of the Thanksgiving celebration and she decides that she does not want undies or pants on. Sweet. Jay is of course scandlized by the whole naked girl thing. Riley held one of Uncle Allan's snakes today, which I thought was pretty brave for a two-year-old, especially considering that she did not have a shirt on. That must have felt funny.

Avery spent quite a lot of time playing with the play kitchen accesories. She also spent a while combing her hair with the fork, like the Little Mermaid. It's a dinglehopper!

The other night Riley wet the bed TWICE, and Avery managed to wriggle out of her diaper cover and she had a wet spot too. So we all woke up marinated in urine. Quite skinky I must say. At least I didn't wet the bed. I'm the only civilized one I guess.


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