Saturday, November 11, 2006 by Amy
Well, I was really looking forward to the Japanese Cultural Festival that's going on today, but of course Riley is sick and we are not going to go. I know that colds are worse in the morning and at night and they seem okay during the day, but I'll regret it if I take her out. I know, I've done it before. So no festival for us. I was really looking forward to the Taiko drums, but whatever. There'll be other festivals.
We went out for Vietnamese food last night. I was halfway through woofing down a vegetarian spring roll, when Rudi notified me that they had peanuts in them. I was so hungry that I didn't notice. Now Avery has a rash. Yippee. There were a booth of white people sitting behind us and they were talking about Vietnamese people and their French and Chinese origins, in front of the Vietnamese people. How embarrassing. White people are so weird. They think they're being open-minded and accepting, but really they're just being patronizing. Just sit down, shut-up, and eat the Vietnamese food. And don't ask for chop sticks. You're not fooling anybody, honky.
Rudi and Riley got along famously yesterday, all affectionate and cuddly. It was quite a nice change. They like to go to the movie store together. Rudi rented Shrek for Riley, and it's a good thing since she turns out to be sick and now she'll have something to watch. "Everybody loves parfait..."
I used to be really good and folding paper and cutting out snowflakes. So I decided to see if I still have that talent. Riley said that it's a beautiful spider web. So a failure at creating a snowflake, but at least I make good spider webs.