Thursday, November 16, 2006 by Amy
Avery is not so bad. She is producing a lot of fluid. She's drooling. Her nose is running. And when she's craky she produces copious amounts of tears. For some reason she had been crying at night and doesn't nurse right away. I have yet to figure out the cause. I probably never will.
Avery likes to point now. Last night I was nursing her when Riley came over for some. When Avery noticed that Riley was nursing, she sat up, pointed at Riley and laughed right in her face. It was quite funny.
Riley got a pair of totally rockin' new shoes/boots today. They are quite snazzy. Everyone knows that I like the gaudy shoes for her right now. One day she'll want plain white shoes, so we must take advantage of the eccentric toddler years. Riley insists on dressing herself now, with frequently entertaining results. Today she did a really good job dressing herself for school (that is, in an outfit that matched) so I didn't think to double check her. Turns out she was going commando. Thank goodness she didn't have to go potty at school. The teachers would think that I'm crazy.
On the way to school, Riley asked the proverbial question: Why is the sky blue? Although I know that I've been told the answer, it comes down to the fact that I really don't care why the sky is blue, and therefore never bothered to remember the answer. Even if I knew, I doubt I'd be able to explain it in a way that would entertain a toddler's sensibility. Oh well. I told her to ask Dad. He cares about space and stars and sky and such. Not me. Sorry kiddo.
I finally finished Avery's pants, lanolized them and let them dry. She wore them for the first time today. I am really pleased with the results. They're nothing flashy, but really functional. I couldn't believe that she had a wet diaper on underneath a knit garment and the pants didn't feel wet at all. As a result, I thought her diaper was dry and went a little longer between diaper changes than normal. I'll have to get used to that.
Riley likes making her own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She calls them "peanut jelly and samitch". She likes making them, not necessarily eating them. Which really drives me crazy since I can't eat them for her. Speaking of cute things that Riley says, Rudi was joking around with me the other day, and Riley took it seriously and said, "Don't say that to my Mommy, she's perfect!" Horay, my little champion!
Speaking of weird things Rudi says, he's been quitely experimenting with calling Avery "Claire". It just doesn't sound right. And Avery responds to her name, so let's not confuse her.