Homemade Laundry Soap

Yeah, I make my own.  I was sick of Riley having a reaction to every single detergent I bought.  Then, sometimes she would be fine with one for a while and then suddenly start getting rashes again.  Ugh.  Anyway, I've been making and using my own for a while now, and am just now sharing this.  Why?  Because I am finally 100% convinced that it is better than store-bought detergent.  Yesterday, Riley was cutting herself some strawberries and managed to get the juice ALL OVER her shirt.  I mean, I can't see how that much strawberry juice could have gotten on her shirt without her really trying LOL. Anyway, I told her to take it off and put it in the hamper, and I intended to wash it right away.  I forgot to.  Then I told myself that I'd pretreat the stains.  I forgot to do that too.  No matter, it came right out in the regular wash.  Nice.  Additionally, I washed Rudi's winter coat and the grime came out with a regular washing.

Plus, making my own is so much cheaper.  So much cheaper.  I use Fels-Naptha laundry bar soap, but any bar soap will do.  Fels-Naptha dissolves well in our water (the Ivory bar didn't dissolve as well, whatever that says about our water) and was available at the grocery store.  Anyway, I use one bar and finely shred it with the box shredder.  That comes out to exactly two cups of soap shavings.  I add one cup of 20 Mule Team Borax and one cup of Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (not baking soda), both available at our grocery store.  Then, it's done.  I put it in a glass container and use 1 tablespoon for a normal load, and 2 tablespoons for a heavy load.  Okay, I admit, all my loads are heavy :)  Oh, and the clothes don't immediately start to stink like they do when washing with regular laundry detergent if you don't put the load immediately in the dryer.  That's a major score, because sometimes I forget to put the clothes in the dryer for a whole day.


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