Feverish Child--Ugh

So, Riley is feverish. Last night totally sucked. I go upstairs to nurse Avery back to sleep and see Riley curled up in a ball in my spot, so I moved her over and realized that she was burning up. She said she was freezing, then sweating, then freezing, then sweating. It was 4am when I realized that I really should take her temperature because she was frying hot. I couldn't find the thermometer. Anywhere. That's what I get for teaching Riley about warm blooded and cold blooded animals with our thermometer. Doh. So I gave her Tylenol and we settled in for the night. I need to find it in our budget now to spring for a nice accurate thermometer. I let the girls go to 105 before treating, so I really need to be able to trust the thermometer. I bought one this afternoon for $4 and it's such an unreliable piece of junk. It beeps before I even get it into Riley's mouth, then reads 93. Um, yeah, whatever. She's getting hot and I'm not looking forward to another night like the last...


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