75 Degrees? In Colorado? In Mid-November?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008 by Amy
Mid-70s! For days! Have I made anyone jealous yet? Seriously, the weather here is phenomenal right now. The downside is that it is completely dark by 5:30, so there is very limited time to play outside, especially on Riley's full days. It really feels weird to eat dinner after dark. The kids wonder at 6:30 if it's past their bedtime and why they are still being allowed to stay up. Not that it helps bedtimes much. You'd think that after hours of darkness they would be ready to sleep. Not so. Avery is turning into quite the nightowl. Not fun at all.
I can't wait for this semester to be over. I am getting so stressed out over these two stupid paralegal classes. I procrastinate more than usual because I find the work monotonous and just plain unbearable. I am on the computer way too much trying to catch up. I don't get enough time with the girls. I say "good job" way too much, not taking the time to fully interact with them. It just stinks. All I have to do is pass these classes, that's it...
Oh, and I went to UCCS to inquire about the graduate program, and it appears that you can't enter the program in the middle of the year. I have to wait until summer. So I waste away for another semester at PPCC. At least I won't have to take any more paralegal classes. It's so strange. Two months ago I loved the idea of being a paralegal, but when I think about getting my master's instead, I can't stand the idea of paralegal stuff. Yuck. How fickle I am!
Oh, and I just bought gas for $1.63/gallon! Oh, yeah!