Pictures Pictures Pictures (and Mother's Day)
Sunday, May 11, 2008 by Amy
So here are the pictures that I've been meaning to upload. Yipee.
So Mother's Day was pretty much a bust. This morning Rudi came to bed just as the girls were waking up and the first thing I heard this morning was "Daddy, I have poopy!" The second thing I heard was "Hon, since you're already getting up, Avery has a poop and man it stinks!" Yeah, happy Mother's Day right? We were supposed to go on a walk/hike today, but Rudi wasn't feeling well so we ended up going no where. And the girls were being such turds that I really didn't want to go anywhere with them anyway. Rudi said he's make it up to me on Wednesday when Riley doesn't have school, but I'm not holding my breath.
Avery has really hit the terrible twos these past few days and it really sucks. Add that to Riley's craziness and it's pretty unbearable around here. Seriously, I've tried everything with Riley and nothing is helping. Avery screams if Riley even looks at her funny, and Riley provokes her constantly. I feel like I'm living in the House of Crazy.
That's all I feel like writing about for now.