Ice Skating and Inline Skating
Sunday, May 30, 2010 by Amy
Saturday was Riley's last ice skating lesson. Thank goodness. She wasn't enjoying it at all and couldn't even muster up enough enthusiasm to attempt to do what the teacher was asking her. I know she knew all the stuff, because this was a repeat class for her, one she already passed. The only reason she was in this class was to be with Caoimhe. Needless to say, she was the only one in the class not to pass, and although she noticed this, she didn't care in the least, which is unusual for Riley. Although she showed early promise, ice skating is just not for her. I'm proud of her for sticking it out even though she didn't like it.
That said, I got Riley a pair of inline skates last night. She skated until dark, then put them on again this morning and hasn't taken them off in the past 3 hours or so. She really loves them. I think inline skates are more practical since she can use them right out front. No driving 25 minutes to an ice rink. I do think, though, that the ice skating lessons are helping her get a hang of inline skating. She's doing the things that she learned in ice skating class (the very same things she refused to demonstrate for her ice teacher!) and taking to it quickly.
This video was taken the very minute that Riley put her skates on. It's kind of funny. Of course, Riley chose to go down the neighbor's hilly driveway!
This video was taken just now. Avery wanted to be in the video too and wouldn't give Riley her space :)
On a different note, Spring seems to have passed us by. We went from snow to 85 degrees. No spring at all! I do look forward to living in an area with four seasons. Actually, many argue that Maine has five seasons with the addition of mud season between winter and spring.
Riley is squeezing in one more swim session between our camping trip and our trip to Maryland. It'll be every morning for two weeks. Swimming seems to be Riley's "thing." She just is willing to try anything. It is level 3, which is Stroke Development. Sounds hard. I think Riley will probably be in it more than once.