Just a Quick One!

Just announcing the arrival of our new guinea pig, Mya (pronounced "Meeee-uh). Avery pronounces it "mee-um" which is exactly how she pronounces "William". In fact, Riley has named her Mya Lizzie William. Mya was the name that her previous owners gave her. She was free off of freecycle. She's black and white and swirly and much smaller than Rosie (and doesn't bite like Rosie does). She's a little aloof and spends a lot of time in her shelter and runs when you try to catch her, but once you hold her she settled down and doesn't eat my clothes like Rosie. Hopefully she'll make the catching part a little easier over time. As it is she kicks up bedding through the cage bars and makes a holy mess. We hope to get Mya and Rosie into the same cage together, but need a bigger one. I found a website that describes how to make a large cage for really cheaply, with levels and ramps and such. Too cool. I hear that guinea pigs do much better in pairs or herds, so we'll see. Rudi had effectively banned me from freecycle.


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