Birthday Ceremonies and "I love you"s
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 by Amy
So Riley had her birthday ceremony at school. She had a lot of fun and Avery absolutely adores Riley's school. During the ceremony, Avery was sitting in a chair next to me and she wrapped her arms around my waist and said "Love you!" for the first time! Afterwards, Riley said "all that attention made me feel so special for the first time ever!"
Yesterday, Riley wrote a bunch of music notes on a piece of paper, and sang me a song that went like this: "I love you no matter what. You are an angel. I love you, especially when you're nice!" That was so stinkin' cute.
Rudi has a prostate biopsy six days ago and has been laying on the couch since then. Literally on the couch all day and night long. Still bleeding. He did go to Blockbuster last night and it caused him to bleed some more, so now he is getting worried. It's really not that much blood, but it really should have stopped by now. We'll see how it is for the rest of today and I'll call the clinic tomorrow if it hasn't stopped. They told him that he should take it easy for two days (which translates to "sleep all day" in Rudi-speak) but it's been six says. So yeah, I'm worried, but if there's one thing I know about our relationship is that we can't both be openly worried about the same thing. So I'll have to pretend that it's no biggie, otherwise he'd think he were dying. They did take 14 samples, though, so that could be the reason. Last time they took four.
With Rudi convalescing on the couch for nearly a week, the house has gotten really messy. I'm just all thrown off. It seems like I'm making food for either the girls or Rudi all of the time. Somebody's always putting in an order. I try to pick up between, but can never seem to get anywhere. Add to that school work for the new semester and I'm feeling over-extended. And I feel that I haven't spent a quality minute with either of the girls for a really long time. I catch myself always asking them to wait one more minute, or perpetually saying "maybe later." I think tomorrow I will try to stay off the computer. Homework can wait. I do have another blog that I want to post, but I'll probably do that after the girls go to bed. I need to reconnect with my girlies!