Knock-Knocks and Capoeira

So Riley has a knock-knock joke that goes as follows:
R: Knock-knock.
Me: Who's there?
R: Letter
Me: Letter who?
R: Letter in, she's naked! (It's supposed to be "letter in she's been knocking" but Riley got it wrong)
Anyway, the other night Avery sits up after nursing and says "Knock-Knock" so I say "Who's there," although not expecting an answer. Avery says "Letter!" and I say "Letter who?" and she says "Naked!!" It was so freakin cute. Today she is making up her own knock-knock jokes. At the age of 21 months...

I keep forgetting to post that I am going to enroll Riley in Capoeira classes. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian dance/martial art "played" to live music. Here's a video. Each student receives an instrument and learns to play it. Rudi wanted Riley to take a martial art, I wanted her to get involved with music, and Riley wanted to take ballet. I didn't want to expose her to the body image issues of ballet, so capoeira seems like a good mix of all. They offer two trial classes for $10, so we'll go for that and see how Riley likes it. Hopefully she'll enjoy it.


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