Thorndale Park
Wednesday, May 9, 2007 by Amy
I cleaned out Roxy's cage today, figuring that the mourning period is long over. Add to it the fact that I've been asking Rudi to take care of it for a while now. So I vaccuumed it out, and Freecycled it and it was picked up shortly after. Pretty sweet. Now the aquarium stand is being used as a plant stand. Woopie!
Rosie had her veterinary check-up yesterday. As expected, all is fine. I was hoping that the vet would tell us how much to feed Rosie, so Riley would stop piling the food in her cage non-stop. When I told the vet that, she said that she'll just be the happiest guinea pig in the world. They can pretty much eat what they want. She didn't recommend spaying her since anesthesia is complicated on an animal that small. Not that I wanted that additional expense.
Nothing really has gone on lately, hence the infrequent blogs, but what can I do? Hopefully now that the weather has turned for the better, we'll be hitting the parks a lot more often. I hope to go on some nature walks with the girls, but Riley usually asks where the playground is, so we'll see how she just likes running around without the equipment to climb on. She's also been asking to go to the zoo again, but I have to make sure that she understands that she can't get something from the gift shop every time we go. That's an important lesson to learn, and I'm not going until she's learned it. I have enough battles to fight.
Oh, I should have been uploading photos and now I'm done blogging and still have to wait for the upload. Doh!